... Age of the Archangel Michael; or as John described in less esoteric terms, the Age of Freedom of Spirit.” 2 Again, there is no ... creating both the Institute and the Trust arose from his esoteric and spiritual understanding of history. It is fascinating read more...

Category: Trust Histories

... A Mark of Destiny Chapter 2 The World of Dissent Chapter 3 Science and Divinity Chapter 4 The Art of Meditation Chapter 5 A ... from within—a psychospiritual problem. And in the sphere of science and technology, he might be deeply struck by how throughout read more...

... led Fetzer to start thinking about a connection between science and metaphysics, a connection that took on more and more ... and John soon joined Mitchell’s Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) Board, which he continued on for about three years. read more...

... basis of life; namely, there can be no effective religion, science, social or philosophical structure, nor satisfying living, ... man. THIS IS THE TRUTH OF GOD. THIS IS THE NATURAL LAW OF SCIENCE. THIS IS THE ROAD TO ETERNITY (emphasis in original). In read more...

... Memos Date: November 2014 John Fetzer’s Expressed Views on Science (January 2011, revised November 2014) In my new archives ... across many statements that John Fetzer has made regarding science and his own self-perceived long-term mission. Much of what read more...

... Beaver Memos Date: January 2017 Donor Intent Regarding Science and Spirituality (January 2017) The following memorandum ... recounting the history of science funding is provided as background reading, by request. read more...

... Dr. James Hardt to John’s attention. In the 80’s, the first science project we funded was Dr. Elmer Green, and this is a matter ... John was looking for transformation. If you want to impact science, you have to do it in a credible setting with wellknown read more...

Category: Oral Histories

... convinced that Hattie was more involved and more into the esoteric era than she is given credit for. You talked to her. What ... few times that I went down with John, they never broached esoteric topics; so that, to me, was evidence that even if Hattie read more...

... grant in 1974 ($500) for “Seminars on a search between science and metaphysics.” But then a more orthodox administration ... In the 1970’s ... there were a number of study groups along esoteric lines of one type or another. ... I would join—or I’d go to read more...

... Lavender Font: Having to do with Institute of Noetic Sciences(IONS)/ Judy Skutch-Witson introductees/ A Course In ... Font: On Colleges re Parapsychology Violet Bold Font: About Science. Violet-Double-Underline Font: On Theosophy/Masters of Far read more...

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